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Life News

Cosmic Connections

Cosmic Connections

Have you ever heard of a Cosmic Connector?  These are people who come into our lives to help enhance our development and growth.  The “Cosmic Connections” event is designed to better connect students with one another, engaging life-long friendships, and camaraderie.  We, as people are all connected in some way.  We will use concepts from Astrology and Zodiac Signs/Symbols to demonstrate just how strong and unwavering people-to-people connections truly are. 

Come out and join us on September 1, 2021 (week 9) from 6pm to 9pm in CCE 108!

Have you been connected yet? Come find out with the Campus Activities Board!

From Wednesday, September 1, 2021 6:00 PM
to 9:00 PM EDT
at Center for Chiropractic Education (CCE) room 108.