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Life News

Beyond Adversity: Building Black Resilience Through Self-Care and Community

Beyond Adversity: Building Black Resilience Through Self-Care and Community

This Black History Month, join us for a powerful conversation about nurturing well-being within the African American community. Our panel of experienced therapists and life coaches will explore the intersection of resilience, self-care, and building a supportive community. Hear firsthand about overcoming unique challenges faced by Black Americans, from navigating societal pressures to tackling systemic barriers to mental health resources. Discover practical strategies for coping with stress, prioritizing self-care, and strengthening your emotional health. We’ll address the stigma surrounding mental health head-on, empowering you to prioritize your well-being and seek support without hesitation. By the end, you’ll leave feeling inspired and equipped with tools to cultivate resilience, embrace self-compassion, and build a thriving community around you. Let’s celebrate Black History Month by investing in our collective mental health and unlocking the power of individual and collective well-being.

From Tuesday, February 6, 2024 6:00 PM
to 7:00 PM EST
at Online.