Jason Dew

B.A., English, Lock Haven University
M.A., English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Instructional Design and Technology, Georgia State University
Ph.D., Literature and Criticism, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
After earning an M.A. and Ph.D. in Literature and Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Jason Dew moved to Atlanta, Georgia where he now resides with his wife and three daughters. He is a Professor of English at a large, multi-campus institution, and he just completed an M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology with a focus in online learning. In his spare time, he is with his family, walking the dog, or at the gym. He is also a published novelist. Gadly Plain, a story about how a young girl is forced to stare down a terrible darkness, came out in 2013, and he is busy trying to get exposure for the two other novels he has completed plus his memoir on fatherhood.