Life News

Holiday Helping Hand Grant
Once again, this year the LIFE community will be offering a Holiday Helping Hand grant of $500 to a member of the LIFE community for whom it would make “all the difference.” The Holiday Helping Hand grant is awarded to a member of the LIFE community for whom it would make all the difference in completely meeting a need (and perhaps even allowing the recipient to “level up.”)
All members of the LIFE community are eligible to write a one-two paragraph essay describing how $500 would meet the criteria above. Entrants may nominate themselves or another member of the LIFE community.
This year, entry is a bit different. Details – and a unique link to the essay submission form – can be found in an email that will show up in your inbox from the sender, “Class Climate.” These emails were sent on Monday afternoon, November 18, at about 5:00 p.m. Please note that these emails cannot be forwarded to others because each link is individualized/unique to the recipient.
Departments that wish to can contribute to the grants by paying a “bounty” in order to wear blue jeans and/or sneakers during their “Holiday Helping Hand Drive,” and their goal is to raise a minimum of $500.00 to help someone with a hand up (not to be confused with a handout). All departments are encouraged, with supervisor permission, to “pay to play casual” and make pledges to assist as well. Together, we can close the year knowing that we made a positive difference in the lives of members of the LIFE community during the holiday season or during the course of the year.
Locate the email from “Class Climate” and use the link you’ll find there to provide your essay submissions before end of day on Friday, December 6, 2019.
Departments, please collect your “bounty” contributions and submit them no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9.
Selection of recipient(s) will be completed by Noon on Monday, December 9.
Funds will be available to selected recipient(s) by Noon on Thursday, December 12.
Please send any questions to: or