Dr. James E. Carter
D.C., Life Chiropractic College West
Diagnostic Imaging Residency, Life Chiropractic College West
Diplomate American Chiropractic Board of Radiology
B.S., Human Biology, India
After graduating from Life Chiropractic College West in December of 1984, Dr. Carter completed a three year residency in Diagnostic Imaging leading to Diplomate status in March of 1988. Dr. Carter has maintained a busy film reading practice since that time. In addition to his practice, Dr. Carter was a full time faculty member at Life Chiropractic College West located in the San Francisco Bay area. In 2014, Dr. Carter relocated his film reading practice to Atlanta and has been a full time faculty member at Life University since January of 2015. Dr. Carter is a well-recognized instructor in Continuing Education, lecturing throughout the country ten to twelve times per year. Dr. Carter served for six years on the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology.
Lead Instructor: Skeletal B, C, D, Advanced Imaging, Report Writing
Lab Instructor: Skeletal A, Skeletal B, Skeletal C, Skeletal D, Soft Tissue A, Soft Tissue B, and Report Writing