Christie Kwon, D.C.
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
M.S., Biotechnology, Johns Hopkins University
Master of Public Health (MPH), Emory University
Doctor of Chiropractic, Life University.
Dr. Kwon completed her Doctor of Chiropractic degree within the Research Track at Life University, with Pi Tau Delta honors. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science and Master of Science in Biotechnology degrees from Johns Hopkins University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Emory University, with Delta Omega honors. She has also studied Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health and completed a Visiting Fellowship in Functional MRI at the Harvard Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.
She is a full-time faculty member and Research Chair at Life University. Additionally, she serves as a Board Member and Research Fellow with the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, the Alumni Council of Johns Hopkins University, the Clinical Advisory Panel for the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, and the Board of the Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice.
Dr. Kwon is a currently involved in subluxation-based chiropractic research focused on the epidemiology of vertebral subluxation. She has also engaged in chiropractic and public health research related to maternal and child health outcomes and is interested in studies on the utilization of fMRI in special populations under care. Her research background includes work with the Emory Child Health and Mortality Prevention Study (CHAMPS), the former National Cancer Institute’s American Health Foundation, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine – Neurology Institute for Cell Engineering, the Johns Hopkins Hospital Harriet Lane Adolescent Clinic, and the Engineering Research Center for Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology. She is also a former intern with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council Health Committee. Dr. Kwon was named 2021 Chiropractic Researcher of the Year by the ICA’s Upper Cervical Council. She has presented her work to chiropractors, educators, and other healthcare professionals from a diverse array of disciplines all over the world.
Research Chair, College of Chiropractic
Co-chair, Research Advisory Council
Co-chair, College of Chiropractic Research Track
Board Member, Institutional Review Board
Faculty Advisor, Pierce Results System Club
RSCH 2501 Introduction to Research Methods
RSCH 3601 Research Methods and Design
RSCH 4801 Senior Case Presentation
RSCH 5686 Individual Research Study
RSCH 5701 Advanced Research Study
CLET 3757 Clinical Skills Lab
SHS 322 Introduction to Public Health
- Kwon C., Binongo J., McCoy M. Secondary analysis of a dataset to estimate the prevalence of vertebral subluxation and its implications for health promotion and prevention (*under peer review)
- Kwon C, Naser AM, Eilerts H et al. Pregnancy surveillance methods within health and demographic surveillance systems [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Gates Open Res 2021, 5:144 (
- McCoy M, Kent C, Stiles A, Kwon C, Haas A, Chung J, et al. Immunity & chiropractic clinical practice. Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2021(2021:) 24-33
- McCoy M, Kent C, Candelaria-Perez SM, Stiles A, Kwon C, Long C, et al. A scoping review of chiropractic, vertebral subluxation and immune function with implications for development of a protocol for measurement of immune biomarkers in chiropractic research & the development of related policy [review]. Ann Vert Sublux Res: May 2020(2020:) 6-74.
- Kwon C. Empowering birth outcomes: utilization of chiropractic care for safe, healthy pregnancies and a better future. Partners in Perinatal Health 30th Annual Conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Keynote Address; May 2019
- Kwon C. MRI as an Outcomes Assessment Tool for Subluxation. Florida Chiropractic Society, Continuing Education conference; November 2019
- Kwon C, McCoy M. Evidence-based healthcare in patient centered education. Sherman College International Research and Philosophy Symposium, Platform Presentation; October 2016
- Kwon C. Bringing the Real World into the Semi-Flipped Classroom – Data-Driven Curriculum Analysis Georgia Research on Teaching and Learning Summit 2015 workshop presentation; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) report
Chiropractic Researcher of the Year, 2021 ICA Upper Cervical Council
Life University Research, Scholarly and Creative Works Award recipient, 2023