Brigette Langston Kinard

D.C., Life University
Dr. Langston Kinard is an associate professor in the College of Chiropractic at Life University. She has proudly served the university since 1999, not only through teaching but also through service, research, and committee work. She is the lead instructor for Spinal Biomechanics. However, she also teaches numerous chiropractic techniques classes, including but not limited to, Full Spine, Motion Palpation, Adjusting Special Populations and Activator. She teaches the Chiropractic Practices section for Part 2 National Boards Review for the university. She is an advanced proficiency rated clinical instructor for Activator Methods and has taught post graduate seminars for them. She has presented at ACC/RAC (Association of Chiropractic Colleges/Research Agenda Conference) and ISCN (International Symposium of Clinical Neuroscience) for her research on chiropractic pediatric education and patient care/management. She currently serves on numerous university standing committees including dismissal, national board, and committee on committees, which she is secretary. Furthermore, she has served on several ad-hoc committees throughout the years when needed. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she has previously served as a chiropractic academic advisor for first year graduate students. She is an active member Activator Methods, Christian Chiropractic Association and Screen Actors Guild. She received her B.S degree from Life College and her D.C from Life University. She lives in Kennesaw, Georgia with her husband, daughter and two dogs. She is an active member of the community and volunteers for various organizations.