Life News

Upcoming Holidays – Accounts Payable Schedule
TO: All Employees
FROM: Finance
DATE: November 11, 2019
Thanksgiving Week (Nov. 25 – Nov. 29) – Checks will be cut on Tuesday, November 26 and will be available for pickup in Purchasing on Wednesday, November 27 by Noon. Vouchers are due in Finance no later than Friday, November 22, as usual, to be included in the check run.
Winter Break (Dec. 23 – Jan. 2) – The last check run for the calendar year will be on Wednesday, December 18. As usual, vouchers must be received in Finance no later than Friday, December 13 to be included in that last check run. Checks will be available for pickup in Purchasing on Friday, December 20.
Anything received after December 13 will be included in the next check run on January 7. Note that this is also a Tuesday, due to FSDP taking place on Wednesday, January 8.
Important note: The 30-day payment policy is still in effect unless Mr. Bill Jarr gives express approval to pay sooner.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Angie Tran at X2781 or Heather Gilliam at X3081.