Life News

Strategic Planning Forecast: 100% Chance of Brainstorms!
As our Strategic Planning for 2040 continues, it’s time to voice your ideas for projects.
To date, we have:
- Updated our Vision, Mission and Values statements
- Evaluated the projects from the last plan (2020 Vision)
- Taken stock of our assets and challenges (SWOT)
- Crafted our Dream for 2040
- Outlined the Strategic Initiatives that will guide us in manifesting our Dream
Now it’s time to get practical! What are the specific projects that will move us forward?
We’re looking for a range of ideas – from the mundane and practical (a new building, updating a system), to the bold and audacious (a new campus on the other side of the country?) … and everything in between.
The link below will take you to a Google Form “survey” where you will find:
- The results of all our thinking thus far and …
- Your opportunity to share up to four projects that will move us into our desired future.
If you can’t stop at four ideas, feel free to email a list to
We will accept submissions until 8:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5.