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Chiropractic Techniques

Chiropractic Techniques, Strategies and Specialties

Chiropractic Techniques, Strategies and Specialties

In Chiropractic, there are many techniques and approaches used in adjusting patients. Life University has selected the following techniques, strategies and specialties for its curriculum that are best suited for practice and yield the most effective therapeutic effects for the patients. Courses marked with an asterisk are core courses required at some point during the D.C. program, while the others listed are elective courses in the D.C. program.


*Upper Cervical Toggle Recoil Technique
This course focuses on the uniqueness of upper cervical subluxation complex, its relationship to the body as a whole and the history and principles involved in the upper cervical adjusting technique. This course involves atlas and axis analysis, patient placement, doctor’s stance and setup.


*Full Spine Technique I
This course provides an introduction to selected basic adjustment procedures incorporating the full spine, traction-leverage moves. The student is taught adjustive setup procedures covering lumbar and pelvic areas of the spine.


*Full Spine Technique II
This course provides an introduction to selected basic adjustment procedures incorporating the full spine, traction-leverage moves. The student is taught adjustive setup procedures covering the cervical and dorsal spine while reviewing lumbar and pelvic adjustive moves.


*Full Spine Technique III
This course integrates the inter-segmental specific Full Spine I & II courses with x-ray interpretation, instrumentation, and motion and static palpation. It provides the student with more comprehensive training in patient analysis and adjusting procedures prior to entering the clinical environment.


*Gonstead Technique
This class explores the Gonstead Technique as a system of subluxation analysis and correction. Adjustive technique includes side posture, as well as the knee chest table and the cervical chair. This class focuses particular attention on patient case management.


*Extra-Spinal Technique I
This course presents various protocols for determining and correcting structural and functional problems of the upper extraspinal areas of the body that may have an effect on the subluxations of the spine.


*Extra-Spinal Technique II
This course presents various protocols for determining and correcting structural and functional problems of the lower extraspinal areas of the body that may have an effect on the subluxations of the spine.


*Adjusting Special Populations
A specialized course in the management of the vertebral subluxation complex as applies to special populations including pediatrics, pregnant women, geriatrics and management of the physically disabled patient.


*Thompson Technique
In this course, several major methods are explored, utilizing specific drop technique, emphasizing the Thompson method and implications of the Derefield leg check are addressed.

*Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)
This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic elements of analysis and correctional procedures employed in SOT, including categorization and specific adjusting.


*Technique Strategies
Students are provided a review of all previously taught techniques with specific emphasis on analysis, detection and removal of subluxation and chiropractic case management.


Arthrokinematics & Proprioception of the Lower Body
This course provides the study of lower extremity joint function that is not produced by the action of voluntary muscles. Advanced techniques of extremity adjusting, as an adjunct to spinal adjusting, are studied.


Arthrokinematics & Proprioception of the Upper Body
This course provides the study of upper extremity joint function that is not produced by the action of voluntary muscles. Advanced techniques of extremity adjusting, as an adjunct to spinal adjusting, are studied.


Sport Chiropractic Management
This course provides the study of a systematic process of the developing of case management skills as it pertains to sport injury and focuses on the more common athletic injuries seen in the clinical and on-field settings. Students learns how to diagnosis, rehabilitate and adjust such injuries.


Advanced Upper Cervical Toggle Recoil Technique
This elective course offers the serious upper cervical student an opportunity to further investigate and apply the knowledge gained in Upper Cervical Toggle Recoil Technique.


Atlas Orthogonal Technique
This course covers methods of locating cervical spinal subluxations using the Atlas Orthogonal Technique.


H.I.O Upper Cervical Knee Chest Technique
This course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge to apply H.I.O./Knee Chest Technique in a clinical setting. This class provides knowledge and practice experience in the area of x-ray procedures and analysis, skin temperature differential (pattern) analysis and knee chest adjusting technique.


NUCCA-National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association
This is an introductory course to the technique of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). The basics of NUCCA are discussed and practiced: including philosophy, biomechanics of the Atlas Subluxation Complex, x-ray patient positioning, x-ray analysis, proper patient positioning for receiving the adjustment, and proper stance and application of the adjustment by the doctor.


Activator Technique
This course is designed to give the student the basic instruction in Activator methods. It is designed to develop the skills necessary for the accurate location and correction of subluxations according to this system. Upon completion of the course, the student should be capable of the following: to accurately locate spinal landmarks and vertebral levels, to perform the leg check procedure, to demonstrate an understanding of the rationale behind the activator analysis and correction and to demonstrate skill in the application of the Activator correction.


Advanced Thompson Technique
The Advanced Thompson Technique’s purpose is to instruct and enable the student to apply more extensive and detailed analysis and adjustment beyond what is presented in Thompson Technique.


Torque Release Technique
This course provides an introduction to selected basic instrument adjusting procedures incorporating a low-force, full spine adjusting technique based on the tonal model. The student is taught adjusting procedures covering the cranium, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, illium, sacrum and coccyx areas of the spine.


Clinical Biomechanics of Posture (CBP)
This course provides an introduction to CBP, including history, philosophy and research, structural rehabilitation of the spine and adjusting procedures of the entire spine.


Introduction to Applied Kinesiology
The student is taught and shown precise manual muscle testing procedures for the entire body. Various applied kinesiology sensory receptor challenges are utilized to evoke muscle testing outcomes in a decision-making process that guides the clinician through evaluation of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex as well as neurologically based hands-on pain relief procedures. The principle of mechanoreceptor activity blocking nociceptive activity is presented, with particular emphasis on manipulations of the atlanto-occipital area; all other spinal segments; foot and ankle joints; and trigeminal nerve innervated tissues for pain relief.


Technique for Cranial and Visceral Dysfunction
This course is designed to instruct students in advanced methods of subluxation detection and corrections according to the work of Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette and other notable Sacro-Occipital Technique practitioners.


Advanced Pediatric Technique
This course provides the student with advanced information related to the delivery of chiropractic care to the pediatric and prenatal patient and will encompass many of the growing challenges seen in a primary care, family-based practice, ranging from the variety of disabilities today’s children face and dealing with traumatic injuries, to assessing the specialized nutritional needs of children and the emerging necessity of understanding pediatric neurology. Specific examination and adjusting techniques will be demonstrated and described in the accompanying lab section.


Cox Flexion Distraction Technique
This is an integrative, diagnosis and technique course that covers the epidemiology, biomechanics, diagnosis, treatment and management of lower back and lower extremity pain. Emphasis will be placed on assessment and treatment utilizing Cox Flexion Distraction Technique.