Recruiting Guide For Faculty And Staff
Recruiting Guide
Recruiting and selecting the right people is paramount to the success of Life University and its ability to retain a workforce of the highest quality. An efficient and effective recruitment and selection process ensures the success of hiring qualified and diverse individuals who reflect Life University’s mission and can contribute to its growth. Careful and adequate attention must be given to each step of the process, and those involved in the selection process should be properly equipped to ensure a successful hire.
This guide provides the tools needed for anyone who is involved in any aspect of the recruitment and selection process. It outlines the best practices that will provide Hiring Managers the tools to hire the best candidates and ensure that the recruitment process is free from bias and discrimination.
Several resources are available to hiring managers, search committee members and support staff to assist with each step of the recruitment and selection process. Life University’s Talent Acquisition Specialist is a great resource with which to partner and assist you with your staffing needs.
The first step in the hiring process is to confirm the position is budgeted. If an increase in funding is required, the Hiring Manager must receive approval from Finance prior to submitting the request for hire.
What you should consider when creating a new position:
- Understand and take into consideration strategic goals for the University and/or department. Are there any upcoming changes that may impact this role?
- Conduct a quick job analysis and review the job description core competencies. Are there any gaps? Evaluate the core skills required now and those which may be needed in the future to help identify gaps.
What you should consider when determining the need for a replacement position:
When a vacancy occurs in a current role, replacing the role is typically the logical step to take. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate the position description and add new qualifications or skills that are required of the position. The Hiring Manager contacts the HR Business Partner (HRBP) for a copy of the existing job description for review. If there is no job description, the Hiring Manager will create a draft and send to HR. Before obtaining approval to advertise the position, consider the following:
- Review the current job description and determine if there are any changes required, as certain tasks and responsibilities performed by the previous person may not or should not be performed by the new person.
- Identify the tasks to be removed or added to the job description, especially if any of the work will be transferred within the department.
- Will this role have a supervisory or lead responsibility?
- Is it in the budget and will it need additional funding if additional responsibility is added, which will raise its status?
- What are the work hours required?
- Is this role still needed?
Do not include a position grade or exemption status. HR is responsible for making this determination. The HRBP will review the job description and work with the HR Operations Manager to determine exemption status and salary range. A final job description will be presented to the Hiring Manager.
Once you have identified the technical skills and job attributes you are seeking in a new employee, you should consider the most effective way to identify and assess these in candidates. Go over the position description thoroughly and ask yourself, “What is the best approach to learn more about the applicant’s ability to perform this function?”
This also provides the opportunity to align staff skill sets to initiatives and goals, and for departmental and individual growth. The most important aspect in recruiting is proper planning and evaluation of the role needed, which will lead to hiring the right person for the position and team.
Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity are not separate actions in the recruitment and selection process. They are key variables considered in every step of the process to support Life University’s achievement of excellence.;
The position can then be posted to Life University’s career site via the Applicant Tracking system in ADP. Every effort should be made to ensure the accuracy of the job summary and posting text. It may not be possible to change elements of a position once posted because it may impact the applicant pool.
To post a position:
The Hiring Manager will submit a Requisition Request Form and Job Summary to the Talent Acquisition Specialist (TAS), who will create the requisition in ADP and route for approval.
Upon electronic approval, the TAS will post each position on and any other applicable job boards.
Posting Period:
- Minimum posting requirements are as follows:
- Staff and Faculty – The position is posted from business day one and must be posted a minimum of three days externally.
- Student and Work-Study positions – posted externally from business day one and will remain open and viewable on the career site for continuous recruitment unless the Hiring Manager requests for the position to be closed.
Note: Applicants selected to continue in the selection process will be notified. Due to the volume of applications received by Life University, generally only applicants selected for further consideration (i.e. phone screening, in person interview) will be contacted.
Advertising and Internet Job Boards:
A variety of recruiting sources (both internal and external) should be utilized to attract candidates who reflect the diversity of Life University’s values in the workforce.
Life University staff and faculty positions which are posted on the Life Employment Job website are also posted to the following job boards:
- HigherEdJobs
- Georgia Department of Labor
- Urban League
Applications are reviewed and screened without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital or veteran status, medical condition or disabilities, or any other legally protected status.
Sourcing candidates means your Talent Acquisition Specialist is partnering with you and using a variety of methods to find suitable candidates for job vacancies.
Pre-qualifying questions are entered in each requisition to pre-screen the applicants. Only applications that meet the required qualifications for the positions will be referred directly to the Hiring Manager.
The next step in the recruitment and selection process is reviewing applications and résumés through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
The Hiring Managers will conduct telephone pre-screening interviews with all qualified and selected applicants prior to scheduling face-to-face interviews. HR is available to assist with prescreening.
All open positions titled at a Director level or above and Full-Time Faculty must use a search committee. All open positions titled below a Director level must use an interview panel.
Interview panels (usually consisting of hiring manager, team lead and HR representative) will prescreen and interview qualified candidates prior to making a selection.
Managers are to have preset, relevant questions to ensure fair hiring practice.
Search committees (three or more members) work independently with the Hiring Manager to screen, search, interview and recommend job candidates for a final selection.
Please note that although there is special consideration afforded whenever the internal candidate is a former faculty member returning to teaching from an administrative role, these candidates are not automatically guaranteed a faculty position, but their application will be reviewed by the Hiring Manager if they have the basic qualifications for the position.
The primary goal in the formation of a search committee, elected or appointed, should be to create a body representative of the constituencies affected by the position. Persons accepting appointment to the committee disqualify themselves as candidates for the position.
The Search Committee is appointed by, and reports to, the Hiring Manager. For Faculty positions, that person would be the Department Heads, Division Chairs or Deans.
Search Committee/Interview Panel Guidelines:
- A panel will consist of at least three committee members.
- A Human Resources representative must be included as a committee member.
- Other committee members may be selected from “outside” units that work closely with the unit.
- Each member of the committee must sign a confidentiality form. The Search Committee Confidentiality Form can be found at the end of this document under “Forms”.
- Diversity should be sought in gender, ethnicity and race.
- The selection process should avoid conflicts of interest.
After all interviews are completed, the committee decides which candidates are acceptable or unacceptable for the position based on the requirements that were posted for the position. The committee will make a recommendation following the instructions given by the Hiring Manager. Usually, the Hiring Manager will request a list of several of the best qualified candidates with strengths and weaknesses noted for each. The Hiring Manager may request that the candidates be ranked.
Selecting the Search Committee/Interview Panel:
The Hiring Manager may ask a committee to participate in the overall process, including evaluating written materials and serving on an interview panel, or they may choose to evaluate written materials themselves and convene a panel to participate in interviews only. Panel members are valuable because they can provide different perspectives on the qualifications of candidates.
It may be desirable to include an individual who holds a similar position to the one being filled. It is recommended that panel members include both men and women and, if possible, members of different racial or ethnic groups.
It is the Hiring Manager’s responsibility to give the committee or panel members information about the position, such as the position description, the essential functions of the job and the qualifications being sought.
For positions that are frequently recruited and utilize a search committee:
The Hiring Manager will determine the size (no more than six) and composition of the committee based on the nature of the position. It is highly recommended the committee members include:
- At least one individual who has a strong understanding of the role and its contribution to the department.
- A member of Human Resources.
- An individual who will interact closely with the position for which the candidate is applying.
When Choosing the Committee Members:
Note: Search Committee members must ensure that there is no conflict of interest in their relation to the applicants under consideration.
- Search Committees should be well equipped for their role in the recruitment process to ensure fairness and compliance, as well as understand the laws related to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity.
- The Search Committee Chair should ensure that all members of the committee are thoroughly familiar with the job description and criteria for the applicant evaluation.
The Interview Panel/Committee Members:
Prior to the panel interview, committee members should ensure they know who will ask each interview question.
The introductions should be made at the start of the interview, beginning with the Chair of the committee, and include names and job titles/roles of each panel member. Next, the Chair should outline the format of the interview so that the candidate is aware of what will take place.
- Introductions of each interview panel/committee member.
- A brief description of the role for which the candidate is being interviewed.
- A description of how the interview panel will conduct the interview.
- The committee asks their questions of the candidate.
- The candidate is given time at the end to ask questions.
- The candidate is informed of the next step(s) in the process and how they will be contacted once a decision has been made.
- Thank the candidate for coming and ensure someone shows the candidate out.
Preparing for the Interview:
It is important to properly prepare for the interview, as this is the opportunity to evaluate candidate skills and competencies and validate the information the applicant has provided in their application and résumé.
The leader of the committee/interview panel should determine the following:
- The format of the interview.
- Questions to be asked of all applicants and the weight assigned to each question.
- Who is going to ask which questions.
- The anticipated start date for the position.
- Any other details applicants may need about the role that were not noted in the position description or mentioned in the phone prescreening.
Preliminary Phone Interview:
Conducting a preliminary phone interview is essential for obtaining information about the applicant’s background, work history and experience. The objective of this phone call is to determine whether the applicant has the right skills and qualifications for the job vacancy.
This process will quickly reveal those applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the position and will allow the search to be narrowed down to only those applicants who are still in consideration. A sample of Phone Prescreen Interview Questions can be downloaded to use during this process. They can be
Scheduling On-Campus Interviews:
The Hiring Manager will call the applicants to schedule interviews. During this time, please let them know who will be present during the interview and the approximate duration. Schedule the interview in a room that is accessible to people with disabilities and free of interruptions or other distractions.
Face-To-Face Interview and Selection:
At this stage of the recruitment and selection process, the Hiring Manager invites the applicant to interview face-to-face; communication about the interview and scheduling should be the same to ensure that all qualified applicants receive the same information. The interview is the single most important step in the selection process. It is the opportunity for the employer and candidate to learn more about each other and validate information that was provided.
NOTE: It is mandatory that a member of the HR team is present during the on-site interviews. Prior to scheduling the interview, the Hiring Manager should arrange a day and time that an HR member can be present. An Outlook calendar invite for the dates and time should be sent to the Talent Acquisition Specialist.
During the Interview:
After you have developed the questions you will ask of each candidate, it is recommended that you develop a form that includes the questions and leaves plenty of room for noting responses to questions, follow-up questions and space necessary for additional comments. Each interviewer should have their own interview form for each applicant.
Controlling the Interview:
There are instances when a candidate may digress in their response or may start to repeat what they have said previously. In these situations, it is important for the interviewer to take control of the interview. When a candidate starts to digress, it is generally a good idea not to cut them off immediately. However, if the candidate strays too far from the job-related question, it is your responsibility to bring the interview back on course. A good way to handle this situation is to acknowledge the applicant’s comments and direct the conversation back to the original question.
For example: Wait for a slight pause, and then interject by saying something like, “I understand. However, I would like to know more about your experience using/with _____.”
Following the Interview:
Upon completion of the interview, committee members will complete one of the following evaluation tools and forward to the Committee Chair along with any interview notes. Candidate evaluations should be sure to include only those comments that are relevant to the requirements of the position.
Listening skills are an essential part of good communication and are very important in the interviewing process. Since the purpose of an interview is to determine the applicant’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the essential functions of the job, it is important for the applicant to do most of the talking.
Interviewing and Interview Questions
The purpose of an interview is to elicit information from an applicant to determine his or her ability to perform the job. Much of what is learned about applicants in an interview is based on their experience.
Questions should be relevant to the position and seek information on specific skills and abilities to perform the job, such as providing examples of knowledge of FERPA guidelines, or Excel.
The use of behavioral and/or competency based interview questions is strongly encouraged as, when properly crafted, they allow the interviewer to obtain more meaningful data to determine the applicant’s ability to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as assess their ability to adhere to the University’s core competencies.
Non-Directive and Directive Questions:
How you phrase a question can affect the type and amount of information you get from the candidate. The main characteristic of non-directive questions is that they do not give the applicant any indication of the desired answer.
For example:
- What do you know about Life University?
- Why does this position interest you?
- How has your background prepared you for this position?
You may also ask follow-up questions if the responses to your questions are unclear or incomplete.
For example:
- Can you tell me a little bit more about that?
- Could you give me an example of what you mean?
- What makes you feel that way?
Directive questions are useful for drawing out specific information. In direct questioning, the interviewer asks the question to guide the applicant to a specific narrative. These questions usually result in a “yes” or “no” response.
For Example:
- Are you still employed at XYZ Company?
- Are you familiar with using Microsoft Office?
Guidelines for Developing Interview Questions:
In many cases, where interviewers feel the need to decide whether a question is a good one or not – there is no easy answer. However, there are a few standards to use that will help guide your decision. Make certain the question does not violate EEO laws, and that the question is likely to obtain valuable information from the applicant. If the question meets these standards, then ask the question. Otherwise, do not. Avoid asking questions that have the potential of being considered illegal or discriminatory.
- Depending on your tone of voice and facial expressions (communication cues), those around you can interpret the question as a good, average or poor question. Furthermore, the way a question is phrased and its temporal placement can have a considerable impact.
- Don’t be overly influenced by what you were asked as a candidate for a position when deciding on what questions to ask.
- Formulate your own questions that will help you seek the information you need to fill the position successfully.
- Don’t shy away from asking questions regarding topics of which you may have limited knowledge. Such questions will enable you to determine whether the applicant can formulate his/her answer in an easy, understandable way.
- Valuable information can be gained about a candidate from an experience or interest the candidate has, even though it is seemingly quite remote from the job for which the candidate is interviewing.
It is extremely important that the same general format is followed and the same general question content is asked of all applicants. However, it’s acceptable to ask a candidate to elaborate further on statements and/or items specific to their application.
If you want to test a question, ask yourself whether it is:
- Specific to the candidate
- Based on the candidate’s past experience
- Open-ended
- Nondiscriminatory
- Job-related
- Non-leading
Likely, you will be asking a good, acceptable question if you’ve answered “yes” to each of the above questions.
In a structured or patterned interview, the interviewer follows a pre-set list of questions that are asked of all candidates. This allows for consistency in the process, ensures that important questions are not left out and helps assure that all candidates are assessed by the same standards.
Behavioral questions should be designed to help evaluate an applicant’s ability to perform certain elements or key competencies deemed critical to the performance of the position. They require the candidate to give real examples of past actions and results, and are based on the theory that past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior. Generally, behavioral questions are more likely to give real-world information that may be relevant in making a good selection decision.
Situational interviewing is characterized by questions like, “What would you do in this situation?”, allowing the candidate to speculate on how they would handle a job-related issue.
The following provides examples of questions that present events an applicant could encounter on the job. The competencies they measure precede the questions.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills:
- With which of your past work groups did you most enjoy working? What factors most influenced your positive feelings? With which of your past work groups did you least enjoy working? What accounted for your lack of enjoyment? What did you do about it? What was the outcome?
- Tell me about a time when you had a major conflict with another employee and what was the cause of the conflict? What things did you do to alleviate the problem? What were the results?
- What would you do if you had a conflict with another employee? What would you do to alleviate the problem? What would you do if the problem continued?
- Provide me with a specific example of a time when a co-worker or supervisor criticized your work in front of others. How did you respond? How has that event shaped the way you communicate with others?
- Tell me about a time when you felt it was important to take it upon yourself to disclose “bad news” to your supervisor? How could you have handled the situation differently? How would you handle the same situation in the future? What kinds of outside influences affected the outcome of your actions? How would your supervisor have evaluated your decision in that situation?
- Give me a specific example of a time when you sold your supervisor on an idea or concept? How did you proceed? What was the result?
- How would you sell your supervisor on an idea or concept you feel is valuable to the organization?
Job Performance:
- Describe the system you use for keeping track of multiple projects? How do you track your progress so that you can meet deadlines? How do you stay focused? (Measures commitment to task)
- Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What things did you fail to do? What were the repercussions? What did you learn? (Measures time management)
- Give me some examples of things you have done that go considerably beyond what is required by your job. (Measures drive and motivation)
- Tell me about a situation that required you to learn something difficult or unfamiliar. Why was it difficult to learn? What did you have to do to learn it? How long did it take? What was the result? (Measures ability to learn)
Creativity and Imagination:
- Tell me about a time when you came up with an innovative solution to a challenge your organization/department was facing. What was the challenge? What role did others play? What was your idea? What were the alternative approaches you considered? Why was this a particularly creative solution?
- Describe a specific problem you solved for your employer. How did you approach the problem? What role did others play? What was the outcome?
Willingness to Take Risks:
- In past positions, when do you most regret not having taken a particular risk? What was the nature of the risk? Why didn’t you pursue this risk?
- Give me an example of a situation that required you to compromise one of your basic principles. What was the situation? What principle did you compromise? Why did you compromise? How did you feel about it?
- Give an example of your involvement in a successful team effort. What role did you play? Why was the effort successful? Give an example of your involvement in a team effort that failed. What role did you play? What factors led to the failure?
- Describe a time when you encouraged co-workers who disliked each other to work together. How did you accomplish this? What was the outcome?
Customer Service:
- Describe the behaviors of a difficult customer and what you did.
- Has there ever been a time when you violated organizational policy to better serve a customer? What happened and how did you handle it?
- Tell me about a time when you went the extra mile for a customer. What were the circumstances, and what did you do?
Operating Style:
- What are the basic work principles by which you try to operate? How are these basic work principles reflected in your daily accomplishments? Give me some recent examples of how these work or operating principles benefited your performance. What principles did you employ? How did you behave? What was the result?
- Give me an example of where you abandoned one of your basic work principles and it backfired on you. What was the circumstance? What principle did you abandon? Why did you abandon this principle? What was the result? What did you learn from this experience?
Management Style, Philosophy and Effectiveness:
- Describe your process for monitoring and controlling overall department operations and performance. What are the performance benchmarks? What are your monitoring techniques? What controls do you exercise?
- Describe your approach to employee development. How do you determine development needs? How are these communicated? How is accountability assigned? What successes have you had? How could you be more effective in this area?
- How do you go about evaluating individual employee performance? What is your basis for evaluation? What standards do you use? How do you measure against these standards?
- What are some of the techniques you have used or continue to use to motivate poor performers? Give me some examples of how you have used these techniques. What was the outcome? How could these have been improved?
- What is the most difficult decision you have had to make as a manager? What made it difficult?
Questions to Avoid During the Interview:
- Questions that you would not ask of all candidates.
- Questions about age, race, color, place of birth, national and family origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or ancestry.
- Questions about the date a candidate graduated from high school. You may ask number of years attended and degree(s) obtained.
- Questions about past, present or future marital status, pregnancy, plans for a family or childcare issues. You may ask if the candidate has any commitments that would preclude him/her from satisfying job schedules or performing job-related travel. If such questions are asked, they must be asked of both genders.
- Questions about the candidate’s state of health or handicap/disability (physical or mental).
- Questions about the workers’ compensation history of a candidate.
- Questions on the basis of sexual preference.
- Questions that pertain to a candidate’s appearance (height and weight).
- Questions about financial status or a candidate’s credit rating.
- Questions about proficiency in English or questions about a candidate’s native tongue or how foreign language ability has been acquired. You may ask about foreign language skills if the position requires such ability.
- Questions about whether a candidate has filed or threatened to file discrimination charges.
- Questions that would reveal arrests without convictions. You may ask about convictions (but not arrests) for crimes that relate to the candidate’s qualifications for a position.
Once the interviews have been completed, the committee should meet to discuss the interviewees. Committee members will need to assess the extent to which each one met their selection criteria.
Your documentation should demonstrate your selection decision. As one of the most critical steps in the process, it is important to keep the following in mind:
- Who was the best candidate for the position based on their qualifications?
- Which candidate is the best fit to carry out the University and Department’s missions and values?
After completing the selection process, it is now time to review all information gathered about your candidates. It is your task to rate job-related skills and the candidate’s fit with your department.
If you have concluded the interview process and feel that none of the applicants are qualified, you may choose to re-recruit. The Talent Acquisition Specialist, as well as the Human Resource Business Partners, are always available for consultation.
It is very important to employ the right people for each position within an organization.
The recruitment selection process should always ensure that the best candidate is selected for the role without creating too much disruption. The goal is to make the transition as smooth as possible for the chosen employee(s) into the vacancy. But most importantly, the process should be fair, as this gives each candidate the same opportunity.
Finalizing the Offer:
Whenever possible, it is recommended your best offer be made the first time, as this displays proper market and internal equity practices and demonstrates good faith to the applicant.
When a candidate is identified for hire, the Prove It Assessment Testing is sent by the TAS to the top two candidates and the Hiring Manager is copied on the results. Assessment Tests should not be relied upon as the only screening mechanism. Interviews and reference checks (if applicable) should carry considerable weight in the overall decision process. Once the results are complete, the hiring manager will send the TAS an email to make the verbal offer to the candidate. A verbal offer of employment will be extended by the TAS. The candidate will also be advised that the offer is conditional pending the results of a drug screen and criminal background check, as well as verification of education and previous employment (up to 10 years).
If the verbal offer is accepted, the Hiring Manager will be notified to initiate a New Hire Payroll Status Form, through DocuSign, with the required hiring information. When the New Hire Payroll Status Form is initiated, the completed interview forms and notes, and EEO logs, must be submitted to the HR office.
Also, an offer letter will be prepared by the TAS, reviewed and signed by the Chief HR Officer, and emailed within 48 hours of acceptance of the verbal offer (the Hiring Manager will be included on the email). The candidate is required to respond and accept the letter of employment within 24 hours. The TAS will follow up with a phone call if a response is not received in 24 hours.
Once all needed documents are received and the New Hire Payroll Status Form is approved, the on-boarding process will begin.
Please note: Once a hiring decision is made known to the TAS, it takes an absolute minimum of one week for an applicant to clear the new hire process. This includes the drug screen, criminal background checks, verification of education and previous employment. The new hire cannot start until cleared to begin work. Once a hire has been made, the Hiring Manager must forward all remaining paperwork related to the interview to HR.
Extending the Offer for Faculty positions:
The offer letter for faculty positions involves the Dean and Chief Academic Officer as follows:
- The Hiring Manager makes a recommendation for hire to the Dean.
- If a candidate is acceptable, the Dean confers with Faculty Affairs and the Budget Department to determine rank and salary range. Salary determination is based on the candidate’s experience, credentials and the current budget for the position.
- The Dean creates a formal offer letter detailing the terms of hire (i.e., start date, rank and department, salary and other benefits, relocation and temporary housing costs, if applicable, and any other special considerations, e.g., must complete Ph.D. by end of next term).
- The Dean presents the recommendation and offer letter to the Chief Academic Officer for authorization and, once approved, it is sent by the Dean to the candidate. Once the signed offer letter is received from the candidate, the Dean will forward the offer letter to HR. Note: The signed offer letter must be received by HR prior to starting the on-boarding process.
Once all needed documents are received and the New Hire Payroll Status Form is approved, the on-boarding process will begin.
Please note: Once a hiring decision is made known to the TAS, it takes an absolute minimum of one week for an applicant to clear the new hire process. This includes the drug screen, criminal background checks, verification of education and previous employment. The new hire cannot start until cleared to begin work. Once a hire has been made, the Hiring Manager must forward all remaining paperwork related to the interview to HR.
Adjunct Faculty Positions:
In the case of adjunct positions, the Search Committee process may be impractical due to timing and/or the specialized position. Exceptions will be at the discretion of the appropriate Dean. Adjunct hires do not need to be approved at the level of the Chief Academic Officer if the adjunct budget is not exceeded.
International Faculty Positions:
If a department determines an international candidate search is necessary and sponsorship of said candidate may be required, approval from the Chief Academic Officer must be obtained before pursuing an international candidate. When an individual is applying for a Faculty position from a country other than the United States and an on-campus interview is impractical, then the appropriate Dean may bypass the Search Committee process and make a recommendation for the hire directly to the Chief Academic Officer prior to extending the hire. The Chief Academic Officer will determine if the department has the available budget for sponsorship and approve the hire. In that case, the Dean is responsible for forwarding all necessary paperwork related to employment to the Human Resources Department.
Visa Considerations:
For candidates that are not U.S. Citizens and applying to work in the United States, as indicated in the prior paragraph, there are going to be visa considerations. Determination of the need and type of visa involved must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Office before proceeding. The Hiring Manager and hiring department are responsible for obtaining funding for legal fees associated with sponsorship.
Need a Job Posted:
- The Hiring Manager will submit an ADP Requisition Request form and Job Summary template to the Talent Acquisition Specialist (TAS) and copy the HR Business Partner (HRBP).
- The TAS will notify the Hiring Manager once the request has been submitted, approved and posted.
- Once the position has been posted, the Hiring Manager can log into and review applicants.
When you are ready to Interview:
- The Hiring Manager will notify the TAS with the names of the phone applicants, as well as the individuals invited for on-campus interviews. The TAS will notify the phone screened candidates that will not move on to the next step of the interview process.
- The Hiring Manager will send the TAS an Outlook calendar invite with the candidate’s name, job position and time of the interview.
Once you are ready to Hire:
- The Hiring Manager will send the TAS and the HRBP an email with the top two candidates’??.
- The TAS will send out the Prove It Behavioral Assessment testing for staff hires only.
- The Hiring Manager will send the TAS and the HRBP the chosen candidate’s name, position, salary and expected start date after reviewing the assessment testing, if they wish to proceed with the hire.
Final Steps:
- The TAS will make verbal offer to candidate.
- The TAS will notify the Hiring Manager of the candidate’s acceptance of the offer.
- The Hiring Manager will submit a Payroll Status New Hire form through DocuSign.
- The TAS will send out the offer letter to candidate and copy the Hiring Manager to begin the onboarding process.
- The Hiring Manager is notified when the candidate has been cleared to start.
When Searching for Applicants:
Log into ADP:
Go to:
My Team
You should be able to view all of the applicants and requisitions that are assigned to you.
Once you are on the application page, there are several ways to sort through your requisitions if you have multiple requisitions. The easiest way is to click on “Can’t find what you are looking for” next to the search box.

Here is what you will see when you get to the next screen:

Once you are on this screen, you are able to enter the specific information you would like to view. You can choose from a particular requisition ID, job title, location, date applied, applicant type, applicant status, or you can type the candidate’s name in the search box. Once you have entered the information you want to use for your search, click apply, and the information you have requested will be listed below.