Paula L. Billups, Ph.D.

Paula L. Billups, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS)
Involvement -
Paula L. Billups, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies (CGUS). She accepted this role in 2017 after successfully defending her doctoral dissertation proposal titled “Positive Psychology and Positive Leadership Styles: An Exploratory Case Study on the Work Engagement of Millennial Employees” in 2016. Dr. Billups’ doctoral work exploring Positive Psychology is what initially piqued her interest in Life University.
Dr. Billups’ brings 20+ years of cross-industry experience to her teaching role. Her leadership philosophy revolves around her core values of meaning, value, and purpose. She leads her students and colleagues in a manner which helps them find meaning in their pursuits. She strives to lead her students and colleagues so they may find value in their academic and career endeavors, and she enables organizations to achieve their mission and make significant contributions in life.
Dr. Billups has led several CGUS undergraduate research projects and served as faculty advisor for one of her BBA undergraduate students’ RISE project. Her research project topics include:
“Integrating Academic Skills with Life Skills” and “The Courage to Change Your Assessment Strategy in Leadership Education”. Her research has been presented at the following conferences:
- Life University (through the CETL),
- Kennesaw State University Research on Teaching and Learning (KSU ROTL),
- International Leadership Association (ILA) , and at
- Magna A Teaching Professor.
In 2021, she also presented in conjunction with a former Life University employee and a consultant/author on the topic of Remote Leadership at the United States Distance Learning Association conference.
Dr. Billups’ students appreciate the positive perspective she brings to her delivery of the subject matter she presents, as evidenced through the many Thank -a-Teacher letters she has received. Dr. Billups looks forward to continuing to work collaboratively with faculty, students, and administration to move from success to significance as she strives to make an even greater impact at Life University.
- Faculty Senate Executive Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Scholarship Awards Committee
- CGUS Dismissal Appeals Committee, and
- CGUS Assessment Committee
BSN 101-Introduction to Business
BSN 201- Ethics and Social Responsibility
MGT 301- Principles of Management
MGT 302- Leadership Development
MGT 401- Critical Thinking for Organizational Behavior
MGT 402- Human Resources Management
MGT 401- International Management