Michael Amos, PsyD
PsyD, I/O Psychology, University of Rockies
M.A., Marketing, Webster University
B.A. (Honors), Organizational Communications, minor marketing, North Central College
Dr. Michael D. Amos, PsyD, PCC., is a doctor of psychology, author, speaker, executive coach, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Renovatio Leadership Institute, a training institute for the development of Optimal human performance and self-leadership development. He is high energy and inquisitive about the power of mind, body, and spirit. He studies how humans can overcome their mental barriers to succeed under extreme conditions and thrive by adopting mental toughness. He is on a mission to empower humans and organizations to achieve optimal functioning to improve the quality of work and life. Mike is also passionate about studying warrior cultures, diverse aspects of psychology, neuroscience, entrepreneurship, and leadership, and enjoys contemplative practices.
He is also the author of The Road to Renovatio: A guide to empowering the meaning-based warrior for increased work/life optimal performance. He is a martial arts practitioner focusing on Muy Thai and Karate.
Amos, M. D. (2016). Servant leadership's impact on engagement, the meaning of work, and meaning in life (Order No. 10013593). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text: The Sciences and Engineering.
Amos, M. D. (2018). The Road to Renovatio: A guide to empowering the meaning-based warrior for increased work/life optimal performance. Renovatio Group.
International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach, 2022
International Coach Federation, Associate Certified Coach, 2013
- Social Psychology
- Coaching
- Mindfulness
- Introduction to Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Organizational Leadership
- Organizational Psychology
- Change management