Dean of Students AVP

Welcome from
Student Affairs

I would like to express how happy we are as a Life University community that you are here with us. We are very honored you have chosen to embark on your educational journey with us. As the Dean of Students, I am pleased to assist you in your academic, personal and professional development. Whether this is your first time at a university, you are continuing your education or returning after some time, we want to provide you with all the necessary tools for you to find success here at Life U.
I hope that your time at Life U will prove to be a productive learning experience. Our area is focused on the education our students receive outside the classroom. Though we are mindful that the intellectual life will be the core of the enterprise at Life U, we are dedicated to the idea that learning continues, is enhanced and is made meaningful beyond the threshold of the conventional classroom. I would invite you to enjoy intellectual discovery, participate in various campus events, get involved in a recognized student organization, and perhaps actively participate in community service. I hope that you will have a transformational experience at Life U that unlocks the potential within you.
We are committed to a vision of diversity and inclusion that fosters all students’ academic and personal growth. We are here to help you create a vibrant community that enhances the quality of your student experience. These efforts include navigational skills to make sensible and informed decisions about academic and personal matters; negotiating the opportunities and challenges that are an important part of a highly demanding academic environment; and finding appropriate resources within and beyond the Division of Student Affairs. We also work with a range of collaborative partners, including the Academic Affairs department, Advisement, Residence Life and Campus Safety to create opportunities for students, faculty, staff and community members to integrate the learning that takes place inside and outside of the classroom.
At Life U, we stand on Lasting Purpose, which is our duty to give, to do, to love, to serve, out of our own abundance. These are the pillars that Student Affairs functions uphold, and you will see those through all that we do in service to our students. We are student first, student centered, student oriented … we are Student Affairs.
Please feel free to contact me at if we can be of service. Our number one priority is to ensure that the student experience at Life U is a powerful and enriching one!
Michael D. Smith, Ph.D.
Dean of Students
Student Affairs
Life U CAREs
Connect, Advocate, Resources, Empower, Support

At Life University we are a supportive small community that wants to make sure our students have the resources they need to help them through their academic and extracurricular journey at Life.
Reach out to to learn more about the many resources and support services on and off campus.
If you are or know of a student of concern who needs help or support, fill out the below form so a member of the Life U community can reach out.
Take advantage of Life U CARES and be part of caring for yourself and your fellow classmates.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Student Behavioral Assessment Team
The purpose of the Student Behavioral Assessment Team (SBAT) is to proactively support students of concern and help provide resources with a goal of promoting positive student experiences within a thriving educational environment.
The SBAT Committee includes membership from across several campus constituent groups and is overseen by the Dean of Students.
Members Include:
- Dean of Students
- CARE Case Manager (Committee Chair)
- Director of Conflict Resolution and Accountability
- Director of Counseling Services and Student Belonging
- Campus Safety/Police Representative or Designee
- Academic Program Representatives or Designee
- Housing Representative