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Strategic Initiatives & Strategies

Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives


Achieving Preeminence as a Vitalistic University

Manifesting Excellence and Maturing as an Institution of Influence

Strengthening our Educational Process, Operations, and Systems

Expanding our Leadership



Institute Transformational Organizational Practices

Optimize technology Provide exemplary solutions for planning and execution. Provide professional development for Life staff and faculty. Use data to drive performance improvement.

Strengthen the embodiment of our Values (Develop a strong and unified LIFE Brand)

Create values congruence. Move culture from diversity to inclusion.

Provide world-class academic programs consistent with Life’s Mission and Vision

Generate and execute academic master plan. Design and implement mastery DC curriculum. Convert University to semester-based system. Develop a state-of-the-art clinic system. Create and execute plan to expand undergraduate program offerings. Create robust online programs. Create and execute a plan to expand graduate program offerings. Raise academic standards.

Create an environment supportive of an exceptional experience for students.

Create an Exceptional Student Experience. Focus on maximizing the student’s return on their educational investment.

Create and execute a plan to sustain the University’s financial health (Create strong Alumni/Engagement).

Expand Life’s influence in the chiropractic profession.

Expand Life’s footprint.

Create and execute a formidable research program.