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Institutional Effectiveness Planning and Research

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness Planning and Research (OIEPR) acts in a supporting role striving toward the continuous improvement of our educational programs and support services.

Furthering the realization of Life University’s overall mission, one of assisting our students in achieving their fullest potential, is our primary objective. The Institutional Research component of OIEPR provides members of the University administration information including enrollment history, data for academic planning and assessment, information for state and federal reporting, and the results of various administrative surveys.


The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Research (OIEPR) is to facilitate an integrated approach to assessment, planning, and institutional research that supports continuous institutional improvement, and data informed decision making.


Institutional Effectiveness

Goal 1: Life University will utilize a systematic, university wide and integrated institutional effectiveness process, which Incorporates a systematic review of its programs and services directed toward continual improvement and the effective accomplishment of the university’s mission.

Goal 2: The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will assist academic and administrative/educational support units in the integration of planning and evaluation processes that leads to an ongoing and comprehensive practice in all university activities.


Goal 1: Life University’s 2040 Strategic Plan’s implementation will be reviewed and assessed annually using best practices and duly communicated to LIFE’s community.

Goal 2: Life University will develop institutional and departmental policies using best practices in policy development and incorporate LIFE’s 8 core proficiencies. Policies will be communicated promptly and efficiently.

Institutional Research

Goal 1: Institutional Research will provide accurate and timely data and reports significant to the institution and to state, federal and accreditation agencies.

Goal 2: Institutional Research will improve customer service as it increases visibility and utilization of data that supports unit and institutional planning, review, and assessment through collaboration with other departments by offering a portfolio of in-depth analysis of requested data into usable information for decision making.


Vince Erario, D.C.
Director, Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research
Phone: 678.264.8808 ext.1704

Troy Tani, M.Sc.,M.B.A.
Director for Strategic Planning
Phone: 770.401.6512

Howard G. Wright, Ed. D.
Director, Institutional Research
Phone: 770.426.2784


Life University Data Analytics Webpage

The Life University Data Analytics webpage provides aggregated data, access to university dashboards and tools for survey and data requests for both internal and external reporting. 

These tools aim to improve data literacy across the LIFE community and improve confidence in using the available self-service tools. Data and survey information is available for academic and education/support areas as they seek to make data driven decisions.

Life University Data