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Visitor Parking / Temporary Parking Permits

All visitors to the Life University (Life U) campus are required to come to the Campus Safety Department upon their arrival to campus. The Campus Safety Department is located at 1085 Barclay Circle (Click here for Campus Map.) Additionally, any unregistered car on campus (one that does not have a current Life U parking decal or hanger) will need to obtain a temporary pass. Temporary parking passes must always be displayed on the front dash of the vehicle.

If you have a scheduled appointment with a faculty or staff member, you can obtain a visitor’s parking pass ahead of time directly from the person you are visiting. This temporary visitor’s parking pass will be sent to you via email as a PDF document containing the specific date and time you will be on campus. You will need to print this pass out and display it clearly on your dashboard when you are on campus. If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Safety Department at 770.426.2681.

Life University Vehicle Registration Process

All vehicles on Life U property are required to be registered and display a parking decal, hang tag or temporary permit in accordance with listed guidelines. The decals or permits can be obtained at the Campus Safety Department office located at 1085 Barclay Circle, Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., excluding holidays and other school closing days. A valid Driver’s License, Life U ID and Vehicle Registration are required to obtain a parking decal. Valid ID is needed for a Temp Pass.

Life U provides parking for vehicles that display a valid parking decal, which must be affixed as prescribed. A valid parking decal should be affixed on the lower left side of the rear window on the outside of the vehicle or on the stationary portion of the fork on motorcycles. Valid temporary decals must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle with identification information being clearly visible to the outside. Convertibles or cars with louvers may place the decal on the outside on the front windshield in a place not to block your vision while driving. Note: Decals must be affixed by Friday of the first week of class for new students. Only one decal per student, staff or faculty. If multiple vehicles are driven, a hanger may be obtained for a $25.00 deposit (refunded when departing the University). The owner will be responsible for making sure that the hanger is in the vehicle being driven onto campus and that it is displayed once parked. Note: there are currently no hanging permits available for Resident Parking spaces.

Decals and Hangers are issued at the Campus Safety Department. In some cases, a special designation/marking (e.g., Student Council officers, Student Ambassadors and medical waivers) may be issued to authorized persons. Only one special designation/marking will be issued for each authorized person. The type of designation will be determined by the Campus Safety Department.

The following information is required:

  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Valid Vehicle Registration
  • Life University ID

Parking & Decals

Day time Restricted Parking Hours 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (6:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., C-HOP Clinic)

See Campus Map for Lot Details.

To park on Life University property, you MUST register your vehicle and display a valid decal, tag or permit

  • New students must have a valid parking decal or permit by the first week of classes.
  • Employees are given temporary parking permits for 30 days at orientation.
  • Each person is allowed one decal or one hanging tag (IF NOT A RESIDENT).
  • Faculty, Staff, & Off-campus students using multiple vehicles may obtain a hanger for $25.00 (refundable upon leaving the University). It is your responsibility to ensure the hanger is in the vehicle you drive to campus and displayed correctly.

Please follow the link for “Registration” and complete all the required questions and upload a copy of your driver’s license and current year car registration.

You will have an option to purchase the Hanging Tag within the “Registration” portal and will be directed to our payment portal. If you have any questions, please complete the “Registration” process in person and we will be glad to assist you and issue the necessary display “Registration” you may need.

Once you have completed the process, come to our office headquarters at 1085 Barclay Circle, Marietta, GA to pick up the assigned permits and/or to obtain the necessary vehicle display.

Please note, if you have a dealer tag or rental vehicle a temporary permit will be issued for a limited number of days.

Remember, having an active decal and parking in the correct area during restricted hours is essential to avoid fines, barnacles, and/or towing.

Whether you are a Faculty, Staff, On Campus Resident or Off Campus Resident, there are specific decal colors and parking locations assigned to each group.

Ensuring compliance with these regulations will help maintain order and efficiency in the parking lots.

Other Parking Passes

All drivers of vehicles wishing to park on campus must have a pass issued by a department that they are visiting, or they must come to the Campus Safety Department located at 1085 Barclay Circle to obtain a temporary pass for any of the following reasons.

  • Driving an unregistered car on campus (Does not have a current University decal, rental, borrowed car, etc.).
  • Spouse, girl/boyfriend, acquaintance or patient drives a student owned car on campus (Failure to obtain a pass may subject the car to being towed). Student spouse passes are available for the current quarter and maybe used in student parking only.
  • Visitors: The permit should be always displayed on the front dash of the vehicle while on Life University property.
  • Injury Passes: Documentation and an Injury Pass Application are needed to obtain an Injury Pass from Campus Safety. The pass allows a person to park in the closest available non-reserve space available in any lot. This pass does not allow anyone to use Handicap Parking. Handicap Parking is by State issue permit only.

Parking Appeals

To appeal a parking ticket, please use the link below for the Parking Appeals section of the Student Handbook in the Campus Safety Department section.


Loading and Unloading Zones

Any unattended vehicles in a loading/unloading zone will be subject to being towed unless:

  • The flashers are on.
  • The vehicle is not there for more than 10 minutes.
  • The vehicle is attended by a person who can legally drive, has the keys and can move the vehicle in an emergency situation.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations & Guidelines for Use

There are two ChargePoint EV charging stations in the Life Village Retreat (LVR) parking deck. Each charging station accommodates two cars, so a total of four EVs can charge at the same time. They are located on the lower level of the LVR parking deck, on the right as you exit. These four spaces are reserved for parking/charging EV cars ONLY with stiff penalties for violators. If you already have a ChargePoint account, you should be set. If not, you will want to get one soon for your EV.

Charging Guidelines:


  • ChargePoint charging stations have many built-in safety features to minimize the potential for vehicle damage, possible electrical injury, cord management and tripping hazards.
  • Life University assumes no liability for any theft, loss, injury or damage resulting from, or occurring in connection with, the use of EV charging stations.

Charging Etiquette:

  • Charging stations are considered a shared resource and should be treated as a privilege, not as a right, for eligible users.
  • EVs that have a full charge, or reached the limit of allowed time, sometimes block the use of other EVs that need a charge. The three-hour time maximums must be strictly adhered to regardless of whether the vehicle is fully charged or not.
  • EVs parked in nearby or adjacent spaces to the designated charging areas, utilizing the charging stations, will be ticketed by Campus Safety. Subsequent violations could result in the revoking of on-campus parking privileges.
  • EVs remaining in charging station parking longer than three hours will be towed or windshield blocker at owner’s expense. No exceptions.


  • EV stations at Life University are meant to be “top off” locations to enable EV commuters to get safely home.
  • Life U community EV drivers utilizing our new charging stations will need to work out scheduling issues with supervisors for moving vehicles during the workday, always keeping the strict three-hour maximum charging limit in mind.
  • Charging stations may be closed by Campus Safety due to special events or by Facilities Management due to maintenance, construction, vandalism or other instances where they become inoperative.


  • There will be a three-hour parking/charging limit. No exceptions!
  • All vehicles will be subject to tow or windshield blocker at owner’s expense after three hours.
  • Non-EV Cars will be towed immediately at owner’s expense.
  • Vehicle owner accepts all responsibility for using the station.

Fees for use:

Life U students, faculty and staff:

First 45 minutes: Free
Second 45-minute increment: $2.50
Subsequent 45-minute increments: $5.00 each

Visitor Fees:

First 45 minutes: $2.50
Subsequent 45-minute increments: $5.00 each