Student Organizations
Student Organizations
Leading at LIFE
On behalf of the Office of Student Affairs, welcome to the world of student clubs and student organizations at Life University. Our goal is to provide you, our students, with a variety of clubs, organizations, activities and events on campus to supplement your classroom experiences. While we realize our student population has a wide variety of interests, we hope that somewhere in our offerings you can find something that appeals to you and engages you while you are a student at Life University. The most up-to-date contact information for each registered club, organization and activity is also listed on Engage and can be accessed through the Life University website on the Student Involvement page. The clubs and organizations at Life University play an essential role in bettering our community. They bring activities and events to the community that allow you to broaden your horizons and expand your experiences.
If you are a student organization leader, please join our leadership community here.We hope to provide you with a wide range of tools that will help you navigate the University’s policies and procedures regarding clubs and organizations. It is our hope that this resource folder will be useful to you in the days, months and years ahead. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to stop by the Office of Student Affairs located in the Learning Resource Center between the Library and the Enrollment Department.
Looking to start a new student organization?
To start your own organization, make sure you have the following:
- Three members that will comprise the executive board consisting of a President, Vice-President and Treasurer.
- One faculty or staff member who will serve as the organization’s Advisor.
- A Constitution that outlines your club’s policies and bylaws.
Start your new student registration here. Click on the blue “register a new organization” button.
Contact Student Engagement at for more information on how to start a new student organization.
Benefits of being a registered student organization
As a registered student club or organization, you are entitled to the following advantages and privileges: 1. Recruiting members on campus 2. Holding meetings/events on campus 3. Using University meeting rooms and facilities 4. Assignment of bulletin board space 5. Participating in Club Day and/or Market Day at the beginning of each quarter 6. Publicizing activities and events on campus through flyers, email and Engage 7. Applying for student activity funding 8. Use of Engage as a communication and organization management tool.

Looking to join a student organization?
Use Engage – Engage is a web-based application that allows you to join, connect with and start student organizations. There’s no better way to get involved, and joining is quick. Engage will create a more efficient and connected campus!
Create Your Account
Sign up using your “LIFE” username and password. Search for organizations and opportunities.
Explore Student Organizations
Click on “Organizations” to search for all LIFE organizations.
Joining an Organization in Engage
If you would like to join, just click on the blue button saying “Join”.