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Title IX Office

Title IX is a comprehensive federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity) in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, which includes sexual assault, sexual coercion, domestic/intimate partner violence, and stalking. Nondiscrimination protections apply to student recruitment, admissions, educational programs (including individual courses), research, housing, counseling, financial and employment assistance, health and insurance benefits and services. Title IX also prohibits retaliation against any person who reports or assists in making a report of sexual misconduct or who participates in the investigation and resolution of a complaint in any way.

Life University is committed to creating an environment that is free from sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The university fosters a healthy campus climate and a campus that provides a safe space to learn, work, live and engage. The Title IX Office is dedicated to supporting the university’s efforts and compliance with the Title IX regulations. The Title IX Office facilitates a prompt and equitable response and resolution to reports of sexual misconduct. Please review the information provided below to review the Sexual Misconduct Policy, to report an incident, and to find the answers to frequently asked questions.

Title IX Office Support Staff

Title IX Coordinator

FeAunté Preyear
Title IX Coordinator
1075 Barclay Cir.
Marietta, GA 30060

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Terri Carter
Chief Human Resource Officer
1269 Barclay Circle
Marietta, GA 30060

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Ron Lunk
Director of Academic Quality
1269 Barclay Circle
Marietta, GA 30060

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Bernadette Lavender
Associate Dean, College of Chiropractic
1269 Barclay Circle
Marietta, GA 30060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can the Title IX Office Help?
  • When should I report a Title IX related incident?
  • How do I report an incident?
  • Who can make a formal complaint?
  • What if the incident did not occur on campus or happened a long time ago?
  • What should I do if someone reports a Title IX related incident to me as a responsible employee?
  • Who should I contact with additional questions?

An individual may also file a complaint of sex-based discrimination with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting or by calling 1-800-421-3481.